Tony Bryk was a leading figure in the Consortium on Chicago School Research. Over 20 years the consortium developed a research based framework for dealing with the complexity of school improvement. Central to this was understanding how to make improvement sustainable and scalable. The work involved identifying essential school supports characteristic of improving schools, as measured by student engagement in learning and achievement. Each of these supports, stimulated by leadership, focus on processes of learning at all levels of the system.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been working to build the capacity of education leaders and practitioners in the use of improvement science to address complex educational problems. Improvement science is a holistic approach which uses disciplined enquiry and analysis to inform "on-the-ground" change efforts, adopting rigorous protocols for testing improvement ideas in practice. In this way, leaders' and practitioners'"learning by doing" accumulates through rapid prototyping, into practical field knowledge capable of producing quality outcomes.
Professor Bryk's visit will include a masterclass at UTS the following day. For more information and to register, visit this page.
Additional events are taking place on Monday 2 November (Melbourne) and Tuesday 3 November (Adelaide). For more information or to register your interest for these, please visit Incept Labs events.
This series of events is organised by the University of Technology Sydney's School of Education and Connected Intelligence Centre in association with Incept Labs Australia.
Follow the "attend" button above to register for the public lecture. For more information e-mail