UTS invites education stakeholders to participate in a forum this month to learn about current issues and explore future directions in equity scholarships.
UTS is conducting a research project funded by the Commonwealth Government's Higher Education Progression Partnership into the impact of equity scholarships on students’ participation and success in higher education.
The project aims to understand how equity scholarships affect decision-making around attending university; determine how they can best make a difference to student participation and performance; and devise innovative ways to improve access to and provision of equity scholarships for students from low-SES backgrounds. The forum will present the findings from the project.
Forum participants will include student recipients of equity scholarships, researchers, academics and administrators of scholarships and student services from metropolitan and regional universities, careers advisers and counsellors from TAFE and schools, and representatives from the University Admissions Centre and Commonwealth and NSW State Governments.
Forum outcomes will be incorporated into the final UTS report, with recommendations provided to the Commonwealth Government and distributed throughout the higher education sector.
An introduction, student stories and presentation of current research findings from UTS, Deakin and Macquarie universities, followed by themed buzz groups in which all forum participants can engage. Comments from the group will be captured by well-known political cartoonist Reg Lynch. A facilitated panel discussion will tackle issues that emerge from the buzz groups, with outcomes feeding into the overall project recommendations.
Dr Teena Clerke and Catherine Raffaele (UTS)
Dr Juliana Ryan and Dr Nadine Zacharia (Deakin University)
Dr Mary Kelly (QUT)
Brian Hurd (Macquarie University)
Panel FacilitatorMonica Attard OAM
Panellists include Roger Deutscher (UniMelb), Verity Firth (UTS), Maree Graham (Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning UTS), Nick Cooper (UTS), Mary Kelly (QUT) and UTS students
Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided, concludes 3.30pm
A summary of the research findings will be distributed to participants prior to the forum.