Imagine classes that have thousands of students - like MOOCs - but where students learn more than just how to take good notes in a lecture and pass a traditional test.
Virtual internships are massively adaptive complex realistic online simulations with interactive mentoring. They are web-based simulations that help students learn to think like scientists, scholars, artists and workers.
In a virtual internship, students work in teams on challenging real-world problems that require innovative solutions. They conduct research, interview clients, develop and test prototypes and work with their peers to weigh the importance of technical, commercial and ethical factors.
Join Professor David Williamson Shaffer to learn how virtual internships can help support students in developing their professional identities.
About Professor David Williamson Shaffer
David Williamson Shaffer is an internationally recognised expert on teaching and assessing 21st century skills through educational games. He is best known for the development of virtual internships for students in high school and college and for corporate training and assessment, as well as his work using quantitative ethnography to measure complex thinking. He is currently the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Learning Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a game scientist at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research.
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